The first in the collectable IQ series. A classic card which still brings about classic mistakes! You can only hope that people won’t make similar mistakes about more weightier matters…
The first in the collectable IQ series. A classic card which still brings about classic mistakes! You can only hope that people won’t make similar mistakes about more weightier matters…
Wording on back of card:
SIDE 2: The words ‘the’ and ‘a’ are repeated. Here is another intelligence test. Answer Yes or No OUT LOUD: 1/ Is there a God? 2/ Does God care about right and wrong? 3/ Are God’s standards the same as ours? 4/ Will God punish sin? 5/ Is there a Hell? 6/ Do you avoid Hell by living a good life? The answers are: 1/Yes. 2/Yes. 3/No. 4/Yes. 5/Yes. 6/No. You can’t afford to be wrong! If you are guilty of not putting God first in your life, idolatry, lies, theft (the value is irrelevant), blasphemy, looking with lust (adultery in God’s sight), hatred (murder in Gods sight), breaking the Sabbath, dishonouring your parents or coveting, then you are in big trouble on Judgment Day. God cannot let lawbreakers into Heaven. Today, pick up a Bible (KJV) and find out how Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)