7/10 people you give this tract to will be convinced that they can only see three f’s. A great illustration of how we cannot trust our eyes!
7/10 people you give this tract to will be convinced that they can only see three f’s. A great illustration of how we cannot trust our eyes!
Wording on back of card:
SIDE 2: There are six. Most find only three. Would you consider yourself to be a good person? Let’s see if that’s true. Have you ever told a lie? Stolen? Used God’s name as a curse word (blasphemy)? Have you ever looked with lust or hated anyone? These are just five of the 10 Commandments which if you are honest, you have broken countless times. God has given you a conscience, so when you break God’s law, you do it with knowledge that it’s wrong. On Judgment Day, God will even expose your secret sins. Will you be innocent or guilty when you stand before Him? Will you go to Heaven or Hell? If God is good, then He cannot let murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, fornicators, drunkards, or blasphemers into Heaven. The Bible says: “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Your only hope of escape is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Repent and trust in Him today. Then pick up a Bible (KJV), read it daily, and obey what you read.