Titanic Quad-fold Leaf Tract


So far, Titanic is proving to be one of our most popular tracts. The subject of the Titanic is very popular with the general public, and we have aimed to make this tract into quite a collector’s item. It begins with a brief overview of the Titanic story, and is packed with useful information, facts, and figures about the Titanic and her tragic sinking. The tract then features the true story of the Christian minister John Harper, who heroically gave away his life jacket to a drowning man, and bravely sought to lead others to Christ even to the very bitter end. His is a powerful testimony to the reader. The tract then contains an ‘editorial’ section at the end where the gospel is very clearly presented. Click here for full text.

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So far, Titanic is proving to be one of our most popular tracts. The subject of the Titanic is very popular with the general public, and we have aimed to make this tract into quite a collector’s item. It begins with a brief overview of the Titanic story, and is packed with useful information, facts, and figures about the Titanic and her tragic sinking. The tract then features the true story of the Christian minister John Harper, who heroically gave away his life jacket to a drowning man, and bravely sought to lead others to Christ even to the very bitter end. His is a powerful testimony to the reader. The tract then contains an ‘editorial’ section at the end where the gospel is very clearly presented. Click here for full text.

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Pack of 100, Any 10 Packs of 100

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